Manchester Pedestrian Club

Saturday Walking Around Greater Manchester
- Courtesy and Companionship

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Manchester Pedestrian Club Rules

Note: Guests may partake of walks without becoming members.

Objects and Membership

1. The name of the Club shall be the Manchester Pedestrian Club.

2. The object of the Club is the encouragement of healthy walking exercise by the organisation of periodical Country Walks and Tours for Club Members.

3. Every candidate for membership shall: (a) Attend and complete three walks with the Club. (b) Supply and maintain a valid email address to facilitate efficient communication between Club Members.

4 (a) When a candidate for membership has satisfied the condition in Rule 3(a), the following information should be submitted to the Secretary: Candidate's full name, home and email addresses, phone number and dates of the walks completed.

4 (b) The Executive Committee shall at its next meeting (not being a meeting held less than fourteen days after such notice shall have been given) determine by a simple majority of its members present and voting on the question, whether or not the Candidate shall be admitted a Member of the Club, subject to such Candidate paying the entrance fee and first annual subscription hereinafter provided for.


5. An entrance fee of £1.00 is payable on joining the Club. The annual subscription is £25.00 payable on 1st January. The Committee shall have the power to remit, either wholly or in part, the subscription of any member joining after 30th June.

6. The Committee shall have the power to expel any member whose subscription is not paid by 30th September in any year, or whose conduct or character, in their judgement, is considered to be detrimental to the welfare of the Club.

Management - Officers and Committee 7. The officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Past Presidents, two Vice-Presidents, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Walks Convenor or Joint Honorary Walks Convenors and Honorary Independent Examiner, who except for the Honorary Independent Examiner, shall be ex officio members of the Executive Committee. Only members who, their consent having been previously obtained, have been nominated for these offices in writing to the Honorary Secretary on or before the 1st November preceding the Annual Meeting, shall be eligible for such offices. But in the event of no nomination for any office being received, the Chairman at such meeting may take nominations viva voce. This nomination clause shall not apply to Past Presidents.

8. On the termination of a President's term of office, they shall become automatically a Past President, which office they shall retain without re-election so long as they remains a member of the Club. All members of the Club of three full years' standing shall be eligible for nomination as President and Vice-President.

9. The Executive Committee shall consist of six members and the officers of the Club, and five shall form a quorum. The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies. The foregoing members (i.e. not officers) shall serve for a maximum period of five years, other than as officers as defined in Rule 7. Any member, not being an officer, who has completed five years service, shall not be eligible for nomination to the Executive Committee, other than as an officer, for two years after such completion. Officers other than Past Presidents shall serve for a maximum continuous period of five years in any one post, but shall then be eligible for nomination to other positions.

10. The Executive Committee shall have power to appoint other committees for special purposes, either from their own number or from the general body of the members, as occasion may require.

11. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in each quarter and at such other times as the interests of the Club may require. A special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary on receipt of a requisition, signed by three members of the Committee and stating the business to be discussed.

12. Any matter or subject connected with the Club requiring to be dealt with or not provided for by the Rules shall be disposed of by the Committee.

Walks Programmes

13. The Walks Programme shall be arranged by the Walks Convenor(s) with the assistance of the Executive Committee.

14. Each walk shall be in the charge of a leader, whose directions as to route shall be adhered to. At their discretion the leader shall be empowered to appoint a deputy leader or leaders to assist in the direction and control of the walk.

15. The leader shall, within seven days after the walk, send to the Honorary Walks Convenor(s) a list of members who have taken part, stating the mileage with which each participant must be credited in connection therewith.

General Meetings

16. The Annual General Meeting of members shall be held in December of each year, at which the officers and the Executive Committee shall be elected by ballot, and the accounts, previously examined by the Honorary Independent Examiner, shall be submitted for adoption by the members.

17. Subscriptions or donations voted by the Committee out of Club funds to outside bodies shall not exceed £50.00 in any case, nor their total in any one year exceed £100.00. Proposals involving further grants from the Club's funds in any form shall not be dealt with except at a General Meeting of the members.

18. An Emergency Fund of £200.00 shall be allocated from the Club Reserve Fund. This Emergency Fund shall be used by the Committee to give a prompt donation to an organisation upon whose services we are compelled to call in the rare event of an emergency on a Club walk. Any such use of the Emergency Fund shall be reported to the next Club AGM for ratification and topping up of the Fund.

19. An Extraordinary General Meeting of members shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary on receipt of a requisition stating the business and signed by any five members.

20. Any alterations in the Rules and additions thereto shall be made at Annual Meetings only, and any members wishing to propose any such alteration or addition must give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary on or before 1st November each year, so as to allow for the proposal to be included in full in the circular convening such meeting.


21. A cup, suitably engraved with the name and record of the winner, shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting to the member who has during the season then ended accomplished the largest aggregate mileage in Club walks. This shall be held by the winner during the season ensuing, at the termination of which it shall be delivered to the Club. Souvenirs, the value of which shall be decided by the Executive Committee, shall be presented to the winner and runner-up.

22. The walks ranking for mileage shall be: (a) The regular weekly walks (b) The Easter Walk (c) The Spring Bank Holiday Weekend Walk (if held, to be decided upon by the Committee) (d) The Autumn Walk (e) Any other tour or walk approved in advance by the Executive Committee. No less than four weeks' notice of such walk must be given to all members by a circular.

Any other tours shall be regarded as private adventures and not considered in the Walks Convenor's totals.

23. No member shall invite more than one visitor accompany the Club on a Festival Walk or any Overseas Walk and then only with the consent of the Leader or Leaders of the walk.

24. If at any time there is a dissolution of the Club, the funds and property belonging to it shall, after deducting all liabilities, belong to and be divided among the existing members at the time of such dissolution.

25. Members can bring dogs on club walks but must keep their dogs on a lead of less than 2 metres in length at all times.

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Created by A. Basden: 3 April 2017 from 2016 Handbook. Last update: 31 December 2023.

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